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Meet Kelly Miss Bikini Cover Model Winner

Meet the winner of the coveted 2023 Miss Bikini Calendar Cover – Kelly Bance. Kelly first came to the Bikini Tribe representing Hawaii in the 2021  pageant. She loved the experience and decided to return. She took a shot and also entered the online Calendar Cover Model Contest. After winning the highest number of online votes, Kelly was invited back to the pageant in Miami, and this time with her sponsor package paid as part of her calendar winnings! What a prize!

The latest Calendar Contest is in full swing right now and there is still time to enter and win up until May 2023! To enter click here, who knows we may see YOU on the next cover!

As the Miss Bikini Calendar Model Winner, you are featured on the 2023 Miss Bikini Calendar. How did you feel when you found out you won? Tell us a bit about the experience.

It felt so amazing, I almost cried. I was actually at my son’s piano lesson when the countdown happened & votes were locked. I wanted to jump for joy, but I know that would have been embarassing for my son, so my heart did it internally. I knew it would be a tough contest filled with gorgeous candidates, so I had my work cut out for me. It was a roller coaster & the longest 6 months of my life… but I have some amazing supporters, & I was able to manifest my goal to the cover. 

You were also a participant in Miss Bikini 2021 and 2022 at Miami Swim Week, what was your favorite experience during that event?

The 2022 even was amazing this year. It’s always a great experience shooting with so many different photographers from all over the nation. They all had their own styles, & it’s great to network with creatives & learn a thing or two. The people are my favorite experience. It’s just a whole vibe to experience. That’s why I had to come back for more after 2021.

What advice or tips do you have for models hoping to advance in the Calendar Cover Model Contest?


Get in the the competition early. Stay persistent. Tell all your family & friends what you are trying to accomplish. Take advantage of “double vote” days that sometimes happen… You never know who will come out of nowhere during that time. Also, you will be asked a few questions when applying for the contest. USE THIS TO LET YOUR AUDIENCE GET TO KNOW YOU. You could win the heart of a stranger who votes you into the next spot. Anyone can vote. Every vote helps.

What is your best fitness tip?

Take care of your body from the inside out. Listen to your body. Drink ALOT of water. If you don’t use it, you lose it. Keep pushing. 

What is one of the most interesting shoots that you have done?

I’d say in my opinion this year’s underwater shoot with Justin Price was one of the most interesting shoots I’ve done. Not only are underwater shoots way harder than pictures make them look, I found that after my 2021 experience I wanted to try again even though I felt like I was drowning the whole time. It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced during a photoshoot. But this year, I was able to take my Hae Hawai’i (Hawaiian flag) with me, & the shots came out amazing. The challenge was worth it. Definitely an interesting shoot for sure.

What advice or tips do you have for models entering Miss Bikini?

Don’t overthink it. Have fun. Network. Be open to being open. Be respectful. Live for the moment, not the competition. Find your #bikinitribe & embrace the sisterhood that you are about to gain for life. BE YOURSELF. 

It’s easy to see how Kelly won the coveted Cover Model spot. You can find out more about Kelly and read the full interview here: