With hard times upon us, many contestants are looking for ways to fundraise for their pageant expenses. We are here to help with some great ideas to try out.
The annual Bikini Tribe Online Calendar Contest is a big way to fundraise. The winner of the online contest gets her entry and ad fee paid to the finals in Miami! Plus the Top 11 places get $200 off fees! You can enter the online contest anytime November-May. There’s nothing to lose because if you have made payments and end up winning the online calendar contest the fees you had paid in will be refunded! The online contest is free to enter so again -there’s nothing to lose!
The way to win big in the online calendar contest is to leverage your social media and fan base to vote for the in the online contest. A portion of proceeds from online voting goes to charities that the Miss Bikini Organization supports, so it’s a win for everyone!
Remember the online contest is a fundraiser and totally option. It has no effect on scoring or the outcome at finals, it’s purely about raising money and being in a really cool calendar! To get entered in the Online Calendar Contest click here.
Take a minimalistic approach, and build up your pageant wardrobe a step at a time. If you are able to, try to spread out your big expenses such as your evening gown and pageant lessons. I’ll let you in on a secret: You don’t have to buy everything brand new. Many dress shops have a resale section, and many pageant girls are looking to sell their wardrobe.
Rent a gown. Many dress shops have gowns available for rent, and many pageant girls are willing to rent their gowns.
If you’re really blessed, you may not have to spend a penny! I’m talking about borrowing and sponsorship. Two of my favorite words. Never be afraid to ask to borrow or to ask for sponsors. You have nothing to lose, seriously. Actresses borrow gowns for awards shows and the Oscars, so why wouldn’t you? The worst thing anyone can tell you is no. While you may not be able to borrow everything or get enough sponsors to cover the complete cost of your pageant, it can certainly relieve a financial burden. To get some ideas of what dresses made a splash at the last Swim Week, check out our Best Dresses of Miami Swim Week article.

A fun fashion show, a car wash, even a bake sale! With the help of family, friends and pageant directors, fundraising can not only relieve a financial burden, but it can be fun. You can make this an opportunity to share your platform and to network with new people. Never underestimate the power of a good fundraiser and good friends.
The most common way to raise money for pageants is through sponsorships. Sponsorships are monies that businesses give to a certain person, organization or cause, often in return for advertising. Now remember along with your entry you get a full page ad in the Miss Bikini Magazine, so that is the perfect opportunity to find local businesses to donate in order to advertise on your page. Sponsors can be friends, family, businesses – anyone can be a sponsor. Most local car dealerships, insurance agencies and casinos have high advertising budgets so don’t be afraid to go (In Person!) and ask! Remember it never hurts to ask. Offer to appear in their ads or make appearances to sign autographs in exchange for their sponsorship.

If you work at a bar or Hooter’s type restaurant, ask if you can have a night dedicated to fundraising for your pageant expenses. Past contestants have had success with a promoting a night where they receive a percentage of the sales brought in.
Whatever route you choose to go, it’s best to start as early as possible. Swim Week will be here before we know it!